It will alway represents this method of payment. In France, this color was chosen at the time because it symbolized the most representative sports teams of the country and in particular rugby teams. But not only.
Blue represents in color study, serenity, calm, tranquility like the sky without a storm and the sea without waves. Since then, basic credit cards offered by banking services keep using this color which represents convenience and absolute functionality at a lower cost.
A color that guarantees a certain well being thanks to a card that makes life easier in many ways.
The classic visa, the Maestro, the American Express blue, all very popular, are thus delivered by banking institutions to their customers, at a fair and accessible annual fee. It is sufficient to have an account in good standing to be able to benefit from it, even if one does not have colossal financial means nor income of several hundreds of euros.
Both students and professionals use it because it is the cheapest bank card. It is often granted upon opening the first account, delivering a kind of magic key to the young client, illustrating wisdom as represented by its blue color and self control of the one to whom it is granted.
If one abuses, spending with no limit, a classic blue card will be quickly blocked, the bank will take no risk putting its client into reckless debits by supervising his management.
The color of the bank cards often define the range and the benefits that correspond to them.
The colors of bank cardsRoses are beautiful messengers. They are offered and symbolize the great moments of your life.
The colors of rosesEven if some only swear by the white and the black, the colors are essential in a house.
The colors in home decorScientifically speaking, the color of the hair on your head is due to the pigmentation of the hair follicles.
The hair colors