Multicolored rose

Offering a bouquet of multicolored roses is a bit like combining all happiness, wishing the best, showing your love, your cheerfulness, your friendship, your feelings of joy and enthusiasm. An armful of multicolored roses congratulates, comforts, rewards.

Multicolored rose

The multicolored rose

An excellent florist will know how to marry them the best, without bad taste since the mix of genres can also be explosive aesthetically speaking. He will try variations, from shades of passion red to the lightness of pale pink.

Another will play yellow to orange, arranging the most varied shades to create a beautiful set. Since multicolor can quickly become overwhelming for the eye and the atmosphere, even if it reveals a happy cocktail of more or less strong or sweet scents.

But one can sometimes dare the total multicolored look that will offer its light and cheerfulness in a house, on a table or on a bedside table.

The least we can say is that it awakens and challenges the person who receives it.

Other horticultural scientists have tried to create roses whose petals alone contain all the colors of the rainbow, declining blue, red, parma, on velvety pink, orange and yellow.

But everyone uses his personal touch and there are other less technical ways to color roses. Food coloring, paints, varnish, lacquer, the rose plays along like many flowers and takes more or less strange and personalized shades.

Thus adorned, they give the atmosphere, mood and tone of a decor, an evening or a special event.

To try without moderation.

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