Like the blue sky or the sea which opens horizons, the blue and its shades (turquoise, cyan ...) is a color closely related to dream, wisdom and serenity.
It is one of the favorite colors of Westerners: indeed, it is omnipresent around us. Blue is the echo of life, travel and discoveries literally and figuratively (personal introspection). Like water which quenches, blue has a refreshing and pure feeling which allows to find a certain inner calm related to deep things.
Blue is a symbol of truth, like limpid water that can not hide anything.
This color generally appeals to all generations, yet it should not be overly used. It can quickly become overwhelming if overused. It is advisable to contrast dark blue with lighter shades such as white or beige.
Turquoise and light blue mix perfectly with shades of chestnuts.
The color of the bank cards often define the range and the benefits that correspond to them.
The colors of bank cardsRoses are beautiful messengers. They are offered and symbolize the great moments of your life.
The colors of rosesEven if some only swear by the white and the black, the colors are essential in a house.
The colors in home decorScientifically speaking, the color of the hair on your head is due to the pigmentation of the hair follicles.
The hair colors